I am wrapping up this blog with a few thoughts reflecting back over what I have learned in the past 3 1/2 years as I dove into writing seriously. One of my future plans is to write more short books consisting of 42 essays. I like writing essays as they help me to organize my thinking and I like short essays so that the reader does not have to get bogged down in my thinking. I currently have a website of essays at MyShortEssays.com where I add a new essay each month. I am in the process of reading each one and posting the audio version on the essay page on the website for readers who prefer to have the essays read to them. And I have a summary of each essay on my YouTube channel YouTube.com/@MyShortEssays , if you would like to hear a summary of the essay first. I plan to package the essays from this blog in a set of 42 after polishing them up a bit. So, they will be available as Kindle and paperback eventually but not soon.
I also added a website for short stories as ShortStoriesByMe.com. I would have preferred matching names. But MyShortStories.com was taken. It will follow the format of the other website and YouTube channel. You can find it at YouTube.com/@ShortStoriesByMe .
If that isn't enough. I also set up a website and YouTube channel for book reviews. The website is BetterThanAverageBookReviews.com and the YouTube channel is YouTube.com/@BetterThanAverageBookReviews . I plan to provide more in-depth book reviews rather than teasers. And some will be chapter by chapter. This also will take a while to get rolling.
And, if that isn't enough, I have one final website MyKDPBooks.com where I will read from my books on Amazon so that you can see if you want to purchase a book. I also have a YouTube channel YouTube.com/@MyKDPBooks that will follow in the same format as the others.
It probably goes without saying that I am feeling a little overwhelmed by all this at the moment. But as I get used to YouTube and other outlets and start producing output on a fairly regular basis, I will be glad I organized it upfront. And I like to have things organized up front rather than having to organize them on the fly.
Some of what I say is mainstream and a whole lot of it is merely my own reflections. So, I thought it would be useful to wrap this blog up with a comparison of ideas or thoughts that are mainstream vs those that are individual reflections, and how that relates to the title of this blog - LegoCogitoScribo.
Lego Cogito Scribo is barely literate Latin for I Read, I Think, I Write. I chose this because I read a lot and I think a lot. Sometimes I don't remember where I got an idea although I try hard not to actually steal someone else's idea. If I do remember where I got an idea, I will try to give credit where credit is due. But sometimes the ideas in my head get mushed together in a stew and by the time I am done thinking about them, they may no longer be recognizable. I also try to give credit for ideas so readers can find out more about them.
I used to be an academic and am highly sensitized to providing necessary references. However, that is no longer as important as it once was. So, I make myself feel a little less guilty by claiming that I Read, I Think, and I Write.
Thanks for reading.
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